
February 24, 2022

Two hearts and the fate of Ireland hang in the balance


A captivating historical romance set in 402 A.D. It will pique your interest in Irish history and its relation to Britain and the Pope but also entertain you with the passionate romance between Patrick and Brigid – two hearts, two religions, one destiny.

Shamrock: Patrick and Brigid in Ireland by Bern Callahan
Illustrated by Margaret Jones Callahan

On Kindle now!


The Roman Province of Britain 402 A.D.

Irish pirates kidnap young Patrick and sell him into slavery.

He falls in love. He flees his master and returns home.

Nothing there is as he remembers. The shame of his past haunts him. Eventually, the Pope sends Patrick back to Ireland on a mission to convert the Celts. Will the chieftains of Eire listen to Patrick or kill him?

Brigid, a druid’s daughter, holds her love for Patrick across the years of their separation. She inherits her father’s magic but is scorned by the court druids. In exile, along Ireland’s cliffs, she waits for Patrick’s return.

Will Patrick’s and Brigid’s passion catch fire? Will a new day dawn, uniting the old ways with the new religion? Or….will the fires of magic be doused forever on the Emerald Isle?

Two hearts and the fate of Ireland hang in the balance.