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Aphrodisiacs, poachers, greed, murder.

Deadly game Blog Post

Are you ready to travel across the globe to unravel the deceipt, lies, greed and cultural misconceptions that plague the beautiful land of Africa? Check out this intriguing mystery! Tragedy strikes at a double wedding when both grooms are found dead by morning. Having ingested ground-up Rhino horn as an aphrodisiac on the night of […]

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All about the family!

The Friessens

Family, it’s all about the family. How many times do we wonder whether family makes life easier or just add troubles to it? Meet The Friessens. They are a large family, and they stand by one another, but there’s not one member whose life is simple! And when you look into their stories, you’ll see […]

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A portrait of the truth

The girl who loved Caravaggio by Belle Ami

Caravaggio’s secrets are revealed in an art historian’s quest to recover his masterpiece. Caravaggio: everyone loves his art, few know his secrets. An art historian with a special gift discovers the truth of his dark heart. Now, she is in danger! This suspenseful thriller will draw you into the dark light of the greatest artist […]

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