
Kindle fiction

Rediscover the joy of reading! Heartwarming tales for seniors!

Reading is for everyone! Reignite your love of books with Feel-Better Short Stories for Seniors. Great fun, humorous and gladdening, these stories are an ideal source of light entertainment for an older audience. Grab it for yourself, or perhaps make a recommendation to a loved one. Either way, sit yourself down comfortably with coffee and […]

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This sensational paranormal murder mystery will have you under its spell!

Sensational! Murder under redwood moon

This fabulous book combines murder, mystery and magic to whisk you away into the mountains of California. Set in the atmospheric region of the Santa Cruz redwoods the story begins by introducing us to our lead character, Arista, and her harmonious connection with the supernatural. Candles, crystals and herbal teas – placed in the moonlight […]

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