If you’ve read all the theories but are still struggling to see them deployed and coming to fruition, maybe you need a more hands-on, practical approach. This book is a great guide, practice-focused, that sees two of the most widespread therapeutic approaches explained but not only that, it shows you how to put them in […]
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Struggling to find time for yourself? Sometimes it can feel as though you’re being swept up in a whirlwind, and life is swooshing by at an unmanageable pace. You’re feeling down and not looking after yourself. So, slow down. Take a breath. With the help of this invaluable workbook, make an improvement plan for the […]
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Just getting by in life can seem so difficult these days. Modern times are more stressful and complicated than ever. How can we manage our social interactions and our own anxieties in such a way that we feel in control and at ease? Sharpe is looking at society as a construct, and how we can […]
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Is it really possible to control those negative thoughts? This book may just be the way forward that you have been looking for. Anxiety and stress seem to affect us all these days. So many books make the claim that we can make a change. Wouldn’t it be a relief to find a method that […]
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